Newsletter #27: January 2010Contents- 2nd Notice General Meeting 2010 and Workshop on Direct Access
- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting held in Koln, Germany, on 3 - 6 December 2009
- 6th International G-I-N Conference (1–4 November 2009 – Portugal)
- Spanish Presidency of the EU
- Malta’s John Dalli new EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy
- The Council fails to reach agreement on the Patients Rights Directive
- International Congress of the Romanian Association “ORDER: FUTURE OF KINESITHERAPY IN ROMANIA”
- New association in Belgium – Axxon
- 2010 to be the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
- 50th Anniversary of the Italian Association
- EU Health Policy Forum
- 2011 WCPT - New ideas, big issues, new ways of thinking: why Congress will deliver
- ...
(253 KB) Newsletter #27: January 2010 |
Newsletter #26: October 2009Contents- Member Organisations actions - Physical exercise 'must become daily routine'
- IV. International Congress of Physiotherapists of the Czech Republic
- Quality assurance measures in Physiotherapy education and the involvement of the Member Organisations in quality assurance activities
- 59th WHO Regional Committee meeting
- EU Healthy Eating Campaign – a new initiative in the fight against child obesity
- Welcome package on Public Health by the new EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
- New FP7 Calls for Proposals - Health
- Influenza A (H1N1) 2009
- EU strategy for employment
- President of the European Commission and Health
- Investing in the Future of Jobs and Skills
- Economic impacts of postenlargement labour mobility within the EU
- A Quantitative Tool for Workforce Planning in Healthcare: Example Simulations
- FREE online resource for Healthcare Practitioners
- ...
(1 MB) Newsletter #26: October 2009 |
Newsletter #25: July 2009Contents- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
- 2010 ER-WCPT GM
- 2010 General Meeting – ER-WCPT Awards
- Swedish Presidency of the EU-Health Priorities
- Fifty-ninth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
- “Be healthy - be yourself”: the Youth Health Initiative
- European Parliament likely to build a “Europe for Patients”
- ...
(198 KB) Newsletter #25: July 2009 |
Newsletter #24: April 2009Contents- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting held in Estoril, Portugal, on 13-14 March 2009
- World Health Day – Health is the Greatest Wealth
- Case studies on the Implementation of the MPS at National level
- Speech by Health Commissioner, Androulla Vassiliou
- Patients’ Rights Directive Final Report
- New funding opportunities in health: call 2009
- First EU Health Prize for journalists
- Youth Health initiative
- Youth Health conference 2009
- e-Health for individuals, society and the economy
- Share your good practice cases on
- pHealth2009
- 3rd European Patients' Rights Day: 18 April
- ...
(438 KB) Newsletter #24: April 2009 |
Newsletter #23: January 2009Contents- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
- Cross-border Health for EU Patients
- Czech Republic Presidency of the EU
- Developing and implementing health in the European Union
- Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health Update
- Better healthcare for all in Europe - Launch of Europe for Patients campaign
- The World Health Report 2008
- VII Edition of the interuniversity days in the field of Physiotherapy
- Nordic Physiotherapy Congress
- The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress and international scientific programme
- eHealth 2009
- World Health Care Congress Europe 2009
- ...
(806 KB) Newsletter #23: January 2009 |
Newsletter #22: October 2008Contents- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education and Post Congress of the ER-WCPT
- Workshop – Approval of the EU projects’ guide exercises programmes
- New ER-WCPT secretariat office in Brussels
- New Commission initiative on patients' rights in crossborder healthcare
- Improving the quality of life in later years
- EU to help school kids fight the flab
- New website of the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)
- New website for health promotion videos launched
- 2009 - European Year of Creativity and Innovation
- EU Open Forum – 10 – 11 December 2008 / Brussels, Belgium
(431 KB) Newsletter #22: October 2008 |
Newsletter #21: July 2008Contents
- Pre and Congress events linked to the 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education
- Summary of the General Meeting of the European Region of the WCPT in 2008
- Elections at the 2008 General Meeting of the European Region of the WCPT
- Working Groups Members 2008-2010
- General Meeting of the European Region of the WCPT in 2010
- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, on 26-29 June 2008
- Fifty-eight session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
- French Presidency of the EU – Health Priorities
- World Health Day 2008: “protecting health from climate change”
- The 5th annual World Health Care Congress Europe 2009
- eHealth 2008: Electronic healthcare for the 21st century
(768 KB) Newsletter #21: July 2008 |
Newsletter #20: April 2008Contents
- 2008 ER-WCPT General Meeting
- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education
- Summary of the last Executive Committee Meeting
- Promotion of the field of physiotherapist activities
- EU cross-border health care legislative proposal postponed
- EU pension initiative to support workers’ mobility
- A new European Commissioner for Health
- European Parliament hearing of new Health Commissioner
- EU Call for Proposals 2008
- Commission continues financing awarenessraising on dangers of tobacco
- Smokeless tobacco products are addictive
- European Commission policy priorities for 2009
- European Commission Consultation on Patient Safety
- First World Health Professions Conference on Regulation
- eHealth 2008 conference
- eHealth Management workshop
- Positive Aging
(564 KB) Newsletter #20: April 2008 |
Newsletter #19: January 2008Contents
- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education
- 2008 ER-WCPT General Meeting
- Summary of the last Executive Committee Meeting
- Slovenian Presidency of the EU – Health Priorities
- EU Health Policy Forum
- The European Commission proposes that 2008 be "European Year of Intercultural Dialogue”
- eHealth 2008 conference, 6 - 8 May 2008, Slovenia
- New EU Health Strategy
- Health Service Directive on cross Border Heath Care
- DG SANCO's launch of the 1st phase of the improved website
- “Identifying DG Sanco Future 2009 - 2014”
- Disparities in EU healthcare systems
- IFDM 2008
- 2nd International Conference for Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health
(337 KB) Newsletter #19: January 2008 |
Newsletter #18: October 2007Contents
- 2008 ER-WCPT GM
- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education
- Eu projects websites
- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting held in Athens, Greece, on 12-15 July 2007
- Council approves EU Health Programme for 2008-2013
- New directive proposal on supplementary pensions
- “Healthier together in the EU”
- High Level Group of experts on ageing population
- WHO publishes World Health Data for 2007
- Good Pratices on Health & Migration in the EU
- Get Active! A TV campaign to promote physical activity
- Move Europe - A Campaign for the Improvement of Lifestyle-Related Workplace Health Promotion in Europe
(699 KB) Newsletter #18: October 2007 |
Newsletter #17: July 2007Contents- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education - Website
- 2007 WCPT General Meeting
- ER-WCPT Informal meeting in Vancouver, 2007
- Acknowledgment of the Contributions to the ERWCPT
- 2011 WCPT Congress in the Netherlands
- Network of WCPT CEOs
- Portuguese Presidency of the EU – Health Priorities
- WHO collaboration with European Commission on Health
- Quality Assurance
- Bologna Summit Outcomes
- Lifelong Learning projects Website
- European Commission consultation on Health Strategy
- European Commission is asked to take action on health services
- Good practice exchange in Europe – new website
(1 MB) Newsletter #17: July 2007 |
Newsletter #16: April 2007ContentsER-WCPT Informal meeting in Vancouver, 2007 Summary of the last Executive Committee Meeting News about the enlargement of the European Union Promotion of the field of physiotherapist activities Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Europe 50th anniversary of the official recognition of Physiotherapy in Spain OPEN DAYS (SESSIONS) organised by the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists “Meeting the costs of health care abroad” Evaluation of Health-EU - The Public Health Portal of the European FP7 Health Research's – EU Grants Healthy ageing, a keystone for a Sustainable Europe Health Care Workforce in Europe - Learning from experience
(1024 KB) Newsletter #16: April 2007 |
Newsletter #15: January 2007Contents- ER-WCPT Informal meeting in Vancouver, 2007
- Helsingborg Declaration 2006
- Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
- ER-WCPT Network on health promotion and healthy life styles
- Promotion of the field of the physiotherapist activities
- EU Health Strategy – Public Consultation
- 50th anniversary of the Serbia Association
- German Presidency of the EU – Health Priorities
- 3rd World Health Care Congress Europe, 2007
- Launch of the EFC Policy Glossary
- Euro-barometer on health, food and nutrition
- Commission acts to reduce alcohol-related harm
(1 MB) Newsletter #15: January 2007 |
Newsletter #14: October 2006Contents- 2nd Congress on Physiotherapy Education
- Network of WCPT CEOs
- IMI Pilot project
- ER-WCPT website
- Fifty-sixth session of WHO - Europe
- Self-referral – CSP, the U.K.
- EU Health Service Directive
- WHO and Obesity
- New EU qualifications framework
- Ganstein European Health Forum
- 2007 – European Year of Equal opportunities for all.
- Finnish EU Presidency - “Health in All Policies”
- Patients' better access to healthcare info
- ENPHE Conference
- EU Report - The Connected Health
(680 KB) Newsletter #14: October 2006 |
Newsletter #13: July 2006Contents- 2006 ER-WCPT Conference on Clinical Guidelines
- Elections at the 2006 ER-WCPT GM
- WG Members 2006 -2008
- Venue for the 2008 ER-WCPT GM
- 56 Session WHO Europe
- Finish Presidency of the EU – Priorities
- Meeting with the Icelandic Health Authorities
- Stroke declaration
- 10 Health Questions
- EU Health Policy Forum meeting
- 2nd European Parliament Football Tournament
- EU Commission – New Health Portal
- Summary of the last EC meeting
(291 KB) Newsletter #13: July 2006 |
Newsletter #12: April 2006Contents
- 2006 ER-WCPT General Meeting and Workshop
- Common Platform Task Force 3rd Meeting
- 2006 ER-WCPT Conference on Clinical Guidelines
- 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education in 2008
- EU Health Policy Forum
- 2nd European Parliament - 25 Member States Football Tournament ER-WCPT Trophy
- 2006 EU Commission Priorities on Health
- e-Health 2006 High Level Conference
- Child-resistant lighters to be imposed in the EU
(84 KB) Newsletter #12: April 2006 |
Newsletter #11: January 2006Contents- 2006 ER-WCPT General Meeting
- Common Platform Task Force 2nd Meeting
- 2006 ER-WCPT Conference on Clinical Guidelines
- Lifelong Learning
- EU Open Forum 2005
- Tackling Health Inequalities Summit
- Patient Safety Summit
- Update -Helsingborg Declaration on Stroke
- Service Directive
- The Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010
- Health and Consumer Protection Programme 2007 – 2013
- 2006, European Year for Workers’ Mobility
- Austrian Presidency of the EU - Priorities
- Commission adopts Green Paper on Mental Health
(89 KB) Newsletter #11: January 2006 |
Newsletter #10: October 2005Contents- 2nd Congress on Physiotherapy Education 2008
- Database on Clinical Guideline in ER-WCPT
- Bologna Process
- Network on Prevention and Promotion
- ER-WCPT and ENPHE Meeting
- New Directive
- EU Open Forum 2006
- EU Parliament's website re-launched
- EU publishes new health data
- Maximising the contribution of science to European health and safety
- 30-40-50 Plus - Healthy Work in an Ageing Europe
- Tobacco advertising ban takes effect 31 July
- Second wave of EU anti-smoking TV adverts begins
(84 KB) Newsletter #10: October 2005 |
Newsletter #09: July 2005Contents - 2006 ER-WCPT General Meeting
- The ER-WCPT Executive Committee met the Croatian Authorities
- Summary of the last Executive Committee
- New ER-WCPT website
- New Directive
- 2005 Bologna Process Ministerial Conference
- 2005 WHO European Region session
- U.K. Presidency of the EU - Priorities
- EU health programme 2007-2013
- EU health ministers increased cooperation
- EU ministers and technology in healthcare
- Spotlight on innovations in the eHealth domain
(90 KB) Newsletter #09: July 2005 |
Newsletter #08: April 2005Contents - The 6th Nordic Physiotherapy Congress 2005
- Twinning Programmes
- Summary of the last Executive Committee
- Patients Safety Conference
- New Directive
- Service Directive
- EU Commission site on migration statistics
- Conference on Humour and Health
- The new European healthcare agenda
- Commission President sets agenda for the coming years
- New EU anti-smoking campaign launched
(163 KB) Newsletter #08: April 2005 |
Newsletter #07: January 2005Contents - European Congress on Physiotherapy and Post Congress of the ER-WCPT
- First “Language” task force Meeting
- New member of the Professional Issues Working Group
- Summary of the last Executive Committee
- World Health Day 2005
- WHO 2004 Health report
- EU Health Commission 2005 Work Plan
- New Directive and Service Directive
- EU Commission site of the lists of regulated professions
- Luxembourg EU Presidency
- EU Commissioner Kyprianou sets out his priorities for the coming five years
(103 KB) Newsletter #07: January 2005 |
Newsletter #06: October 2004Contents - European Congress on Physiotherapy
- The Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010
- Dutch Presidency –Shaping the EU Health Community
- Good health for all the future of health in Europe
- Markos Kyprianou Next Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
- Overview of European Parliament groups
- New European Parliament committees
- Recognition of Professional Qualifications
- EU wants to promote good mental health among young people
(105 KB) Newsletter #06: October 2004 |
Newsletter #05: July 2004Contents - European Congress on Physiotherapy
- Elections hold at the General Meeting
- Working Groups 2004-2006
- General Meeting 2006
- WCPT 2007
- WHO Meeting
- New Directive
- Constitution
- Open Forum
- Dutch Presidency
- Crossing borders
- EPHA meeting
- EU - eHealth
- Summary of the last Executive Committee
(97 KB) Newsletter #05: July 2004 |
Newsletter #04: April 2004 (86 KB) Newsletter #04: April 2004 |
Newsletter #03: January 2004 (78 KB) Newsletter #03: January 2004 |
Newsletter #02: October 2003 (75 KB) Newsletter #02: October 2003 |
Newsletter #01: July 2003 (82 KB) Newsletter #01: July 2003 |